dp240 by Pelus and Carl 1994 WHAT IS DP240 ============= dp240 just sets the video aspect to that of the 320*240 mode and runs Deluxe Paint II Enhanced (DP) in mode 13h. It is of particular use for those artists designing graphics for the popular mode-x 320*240 mode who want to use DP. APOLOGIES ========= To Pelus, whoever he/she/they/it is/are. This program is based on his/her /their similar program which runs DP with a physical vertical height of 400 pixels. DISCLAIMER ========== dp240 is provided "as is" without warranty, either express or implied. In particular any damage or loss suffered as a consequence of using this software is entirely at the user's expense. REQUEST ======= I would appreciate hearing from anyone with any other Deluxe Paint pc related utilities that they've made and wouldn't mind sharing. Carl Chimes, cs322552@dingo.cc.uq.oz.au